February 03, 2023 2 min read

Looking to add a special touch to your next Charcuterie Board, sweeten up a special occasion, or an easy craft to do with your kids? Follow these tasteful instructions to make edible Roses out of your favorite Sweet’s Salt Water Taffy.

What You’ll Need:

  • Your Favorite Salt Water Taffy Flavors/Colors
  • Wax Paper
  • Rolling Pin
  • Bamboo Skewers (Optional)
  • Small Vase (Optional)

How to make Sweet's Salt Water Taffy Roses

Get Prepared: Use a rolling pin to individually flatten 6-10 pieces of taffy. Leave each piece in the wrapper to prevent it from sticking to the rolling pin or cutting board.

Step 1: Remove a piece of taffy from the wrapper, pinch off a small amount taffy and roll it into a cone shape. This will be the center of the rose.

Step 2: Pinch off a similar amount of taffy, and then using your fingers, quickly form the first petal. Wrap the petal around the center piece. The petal should reach about halfway around the center.

Step 3: Pinch off another piece of taffy, form another petal and wrap this around the other side. Repeat this step until your reach your desired size.

Step 4: Gradually increase the amount of taffy used to form the petals as the rose grows in size. Also, don’t worry too much about forming the “perfect” petal shape or size. The variation in petals will often produce a better result.

Tips & Tricks

For a fully bloomed aesthetic, leave some space at the top to subtly curl the petals outward.

For a Rose Bud aesthetic, wrap the petals a little tighter around the center.

Optionally, use a Bamboo Skewer to form a stem and create a whole bouquet for a vase.

To make the taffy more malleable, or easier to roll, microwave a single piece of taffy for 4 seconds to soften it up.

How to Make Sweet's Edible Salt Water Taffy Roses

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